
Pressure ambassador high pole light

Update:29 Nov 2019

  The arch height of the high pole lamp structure […]


The arch height of the high pole lamp structure can reach 1/5 of the span, or even higher. Therefore, under the condition that the overall height is unchanged, the reduction of the beam height can reduce the cost, the overall momentum is magnificent, the internal space is wide, and the high pole lamp structure can prevent the interior from being hot and sweltering to the limit. The arch height of the high pole light structure can reach 1/5 of the span or even higher. Therefore, under the condition that the overall height is unchanged, the reduction of the beam height can reduce the cost, the overall momentum is magnificent, the internal space is wide, and the high pole lamp structure can prevent the interior from being hot and sweltering to the limit.

The arch bears different loads, and the pressure curve has different shapes. Generally, it is determined according to the pressure curve under constant load; under live load, the internal force of the arch may produce a bending moment, and the hinge setting will affect the bending moment in the arch. Distribution. Similar to a rigid frame, an unhinged arch is used only when the foundation is good or when there are stable side span structures at the arches on both sides. This arch is rarely used in building construction. Double-hinged arches are widely used. In order to adapt to the poor settlement of the support on the weak foundation and deformation of the arch tie rods, a three-hinged arch with statically determinate structure must be used.

The arch resists with a curved rod and transmits external force to the support, so the hinge support not only bears the vertical force, but also has a considerable horizontal outward thrust of the arch foot. . The arch foot has thrust is one of its main mechanical characteristics. The smaller the sagittal height f, the greater the thrust. In a statically indeterminate double-hinged arch, the vertical or horizontal displacement of the support will cause the internal force to change, and the requirement for the support to be non-displaced by the thrust is more stringent. It can be seen that in order to keep the arch working properly, it must be ensured that its support can withstand the thrust without displacement, so the structural treatment of the arch foot thrust is the central issue in the design of the arch structure.